Detailed Reporting according to the EN-13384 Standard
The ChimneyMaster chimney program provides a granular report detailing every step of the calculations made according to the EN-13384 standard.
The ChimneyMaster chimney program provides a granular report detailing every step of the calculations made according to the EN-13384 standard.
Chimney calculation programs make calculations according to the current EN-13384 standard. The ChimneyMaster program uses the same standard to calculate the specifications of chimneys and verify that they are up to code. The EN-13384 standard includes pressure and temperature criteria and procedures for calculating and treating exhaust from a boiler or furnace as it passes through a chimney system and is released into the atmosphere via the chimney outlet. This standard is divided into two parts: the EN-13384-1 standard, which details the calculation steps for positive- and negative-pressure single-device chimneys; and the EN-13384-2 standard, which details the calculation steps for positive- and negative-pressure multi-device chimneys. In both cases, the results of the chimney calculations are displayed alongside the requirements for compatibility with the EN-13384 standard.
ChimneyMaster’s chimney calculation report clearly shows whether the EN-13384 standard requirements have been met: there is a field in the report summary where these requirements are listed alongside the results for the chimney system. In addition, all measurements and the device and chimney data used in the chimney calculations are presented in the report in accordance with the EN-13384 standard. ChimneyMaster also allows a user to organize the data in the report according to his or her needs, and it ensures that the report results are recorded in compliance with the EN-13384 standard.
Apart from the report it provides in the standard format used in all chimney reports, ChimneyMaster can also provide a detailed chimney calculation report where the user can see all the details of the chimney system. In this detailed report, which shows all the calculation steps and values for the EN-13384 standard, users are provided with detailed information on the chimney calculations carried out by ChimneyMaster’s robust calculations system, calculations which can be particularly extensive in the case of multi-device chimney systems and positive-pressure chimney systems.
ChimneyMaster’s detailed reporting can be a useful reference for gas distributors examining natural gas chimney systems and seeking to check the values used in the calculations against the EN-13384 standard. It is also an important feature that helps to verify and guarantee the accuracy of the data in the report. And because the level of detail in the report can be adjusted based on a user’s need, users can also create a simplified report showing only the minimum amount of information required to certify a system’s compliance with the EN-13384 standard, as well as a basic report detailing a system’s device and chimney data.