Add Your Own Combination-Boiler Chimney Data
Create your own library by adding various devices such as boilers, combination boilers, and furnaces and diverse chimney data such as data for boiler chimneys, combination-boiler chimneys, and steel chimneys.
By adding data from the major producers of boilers, combination boilers, furnaces, and chimney models to its library, ChimneyMaster is able to make this data available to all of its users. In addition, all combination-boiler chimney manufacturers can request for the information on their products to be added to ChimneyMaster. This data in the ChimneyMaster system can be used for combination-boiler chimney designs, which are widely used in the natural gas sector, and collectively it serves as a database registry that will be opened for users as a digital portal in the future. At the same time, this digital portal will also allow users to check the compliance and verify the data of recently added products, such as boiler chimneys.